
Science prepares you for life. It inculcates a habit of rational and logical thinking, gives an insight in the things and happenings around you, develops a wisdom to identify what is good and what is bad and provides a bent of mind for problem solving. By learning science you not only understand the world around you better, you learn to work for its betterment.

General Science

In the present times, the laws and principles of science find application, not only in our daily life but also in every walk of life. As a result Science and Technology have become an integral part of human life and culture. Scientific knowledge which is growing day by day is a powerful tool for solving our problems. 


Physics is the branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of Physics includes mechanics, heat, light and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms. This is the scientific study of matter and energy and how they interact with each other.

Mechanics | Oscillations & Waves | Electricity & Magnetism | Optics | Electronics & Communication | Physics Experiments


There can be no progress in science without chemistry. Chemical research is changing in a big way. Chemistry is no longer making a few compounds and studying their properties. We now design new materials with the properties that are desired by us. Some of the important problems faced by humanity can eventually be solved by the use of chemistry.

Chemistry is the study of substances, their makeup and applications. Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Analytical chemistry and Biochemistry are the main branches of chemistry. 

Physical Chemistry | Inorganic Chemistry | Organic Chemistry | Chemistry Experiments


Biology arose in a twofold manner - firstly, as a practicing art towards exploring and improving a variety of usable plant and animal products as well as towards maintaining good health; secondly, as an academic pursuit out of curiosity to know about humans and other living beings and to understand their position on the planet Earth.

Evolution of Life | Functions of Plants | Functions of Animals | Reproduction & Heredity

Computer Science

A computer is an electronic machine that takes an input, processes it to produce the desired output. Every computer is a combination of hardware and software. The physical components of a computer that can be seen and touched form the hardware.

For example, CPU, monitor, keyboard, printer are hardware or peripheral devices. The input to a computer is given in the form of instructions. These set of instructions that we give to the computer to perform a particular task constitutes a program. Many such programs together form a software for the computer. Operating system, Antivirus, MS Office, Computer games are all software applications.

Computer Basics | C++ Programming