Modifications of Leaves
Although the function of leaves is to synthesize food, in some cases they get modified into distinct structures to perform special functions like support and protection to plant, storage of food and water or to catch insects as in case of insectivorous plants.
1. Leaf Tendril
Here leaves or leaflets get modified to form thin wiry, closely coiled sensitive structure called the tendril that helps the plant to climb the support. For example: Pea, Glory lily
2. Spines
The leaves are modified into sharp and pointed structures which protect the plant and help in reducing transpiration. For example: Prickly poppy (Argemone), Opuntia, Aloe
3. Phyllode
The petiole of compound leaf becomes flattened leaf like and helps in photosynthesis; the leaflets gradually disappear. For example: Australian acacia
4. Leaves of Insectivorous plants
In pitcher plant the whole leaf gets modified into pitcher while in bladderwort some segmented leaves get modified into bladders. They help in
trapping insects. For example: Pitcher plant (Nepenthes), Bladderwort (Utricularia)
Some plants show more than one type of leaves in the same plant, this phenomenon is called heterophylly. It is found in some plants which remain partly submerged in water. For example: Water chestnut and Limnophila