Types of Root Systems

Root systems are mainly of two types:

  1. Tap root system
  2. Fibrous root system

Tap Root System

It is the root system that develops from the radicle and continues as the primary root (tap root) which gives off lateral roots. These provide very strong anchorage as they are able to reach very deep into the soil. It is the main root system of dicots. For example: gram, chinarose, neem.

Fibrous Root System

In this root system, the primary root is short-lived. A cluster of slender, fiber-like roots arises from the base of the radicle and plumule which constitute the fibrous root system. They do not branch profusely, are shallow and spread horizontally, hence cannot provide strong anchorage. Fibrous root system is the main root system of monocots. For example: maize, grasses, wheat.