
India has a long coastline, which is vulnerable to the tropical cyclones in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea. The Bay of Bengal region is frequently battered by storms and cyclones.

Cyclones are intense low-pressure areas in the form of depressions or cyclone storms. Severe cyclones are associated with hurricane, winds, etc.

There are two cyclone seasons in India, the pre-monsoon season (April-May) and the post-monsoon season (October-December). The states of Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal are the most affected states due to cyclones.

Balasore district in Orissa is the most vulnerable district for cyclone landfall. Orissa super cyclone occurred in the state of Orissa on October 29, 1999 at a wind speed of 270-300 km per hour accompanied by heavy rains continuously for three days. The sea surged up to 7 m high and sea waves travelled up to 15-20 km in land. This resulted in heavy losses. The agriculture, livestock, infrastructure, industries and environment were badly devastated during this cyclone.

Preventive Measure and Management

  • Buildings are to be constructed keeping in mind cyclone safety measures.
  • Decaying trees or any other loosely fixed objects and unsafe buildings need to be demolished.
  • Extra food and enough drinking water may be stored in advance.
  • Hurricane lantern filled with kerosene, and flashlights, matchbox, candles should be kept ready.
  • In case of a cyclone, head for the proper shelter or evacuation point, keep calm and remain there until informed that you may return home. Neither panic nor lend an ear to rumours.
  • After the cyclone has passed get yourself inoculated against diseases and seek medical care for the injured and sick, clear the house and dwellings of debris and report any loss to the revenue authorities.