Bhramari Pranayama
The word Bhramari is derived from bhramara which means a "black humming bee". In this pranayama, the practitioner makes the sound which resembles the buzzing sound of a black bee, therefore it is named Bhramari Pranayama.
- Come into any meditative asana.
- Assume Chinmudrá.
- Inhale deeply.
- Exhaling, produce a low pitched sound resembling the humming of a female bee.
- Feel the vibrations in the entire head. After exhalation, bring your hands back on your knees and breathe in slowly. This completes one round.
- Repeat 10 rounds.
- During the practice of Bhrámarè use ‘N-kára’ and not ‘Mkára’.
- With long practices, one feels the strong vibrations in the entire head region along with its resonating effect through out the body.
- In the beginning, 5 to 10 rounds of Bhramari are sufficient.
- It can be practiced at any time to relieve mental tension.
- It helps to reduce anger.
- It helps in improvement of concentration and memory.