Communication in India

Communication keeps people informed about the world’s events and trends. It brings in positive changes in the life of the people and thereby enhancing their economic conditions. Communication is a system of carrying messages to exchange thoughts, ideas and information and also to share your sorrows and pleasures with your family members or friends.

There are various means of communication. People communicate with each other by writing letters, sending telegrams, radio, T.V., computer technology, newspapers, magazines and pamphlets. Messages can be sent by telegram, facsimile machine (FAX) and E-mail (Electronic mail) for business trade and other services. E-mail has emerged as the fastest means of communication and is almost free. The choice of a particular means of communication depends on purposes.

1. Means of Personal Communication

Means of personal communication is classified into two parts:

  1. Postal Service
  2. Telephone Service

(i) Postal Service: Postal service is a very old means of communication. Though letter writing is not that popular any longer, it is still important even today. Indian Postal Network is the largest in the world.

(ii) Telephone Service: It has emerged as one of the most important and widely used means of communication in today’s world. It is quick and affordable, serving our need seamlessly.

2. Means of Mass Communication

The means by which information can be communicated to a very large number of people are called Media or Mass Communication, such as radio, television, newspaper, cinema, books, magazines, traditional folk modes and satellite communication.

(i) Radio: Radio transmission in India started in 1927 from Mumbai and Kolkata to entertain, educate and apparise the people of the country with important information. Today the program of All India Radio (AIR) are available to 90% parts of the country to 98.8% of our people.

(ii) Television: The national television transmission service of India started in 1959 is one of the biggest ground transmission organizations of the world. Today, 87% of population can watch it. Television program telecast by National, Regional and local Doordarshan and a large number of private channels are available for education, information and recreation.

(iii) Computer (Information Technology): Today, computer has become the basis of communication and economic development as it is used everywhere from homes, offices to shops, hospitals, railways, airports, banks, educational institutions, etc.

Newer Communication Technology

In recent years, there is revolution of new technology that has helped people in much better way such as:

(a) Internet: It provides access to several kinds of information.It connects all types of computers across the world to obtain information at the click of a button.

(b) Video Conferencing: People sitting at far off places can talk and express their views with the help of telecommunication and computer.

(c) E-Commerce: Facility available for sale and purchase of goods through internet and fax.

(d) Internet Telephony: It is a software programme which makes a computer to work like telephone. This facility has reduced the call rates drastically.

(e) E-Mail: It is a method of sending letters or information through internet to anyone in the world in the blink of an eye.

(f) Tele-Medicine: Using this technology, doctors can advise their patients sitting at a distance of thousands of kilometers from them.

Thus, scientific advancement and technology has revolutionised the system of communication and brought people very close to each other, to be in touch all the time and making the world a global village.