Contemporary World Order

World affairs is mainly the sum of relations among States. It is not limited to States only. Contact and cooperation between ordinary people in capacities as tourists, journalists, businessmen, sportsmen, etc. are growing very fast.

With satellite technology and introduction of mobile, telephone conversations between people living in distant countries has become easy. All these developments have virtually made the huge world into a village where a sense of togetherness prevails, and problems are handled in that spirit.

Meaning of World Order

  • "Order" indicates a condition in which everything is in its correct place. It also refers to respect for and enforcement of rules.
  • In the world affairs, order brings a certain method in the way one country conducts its affairs with other states.
  • To assist countries to make and implement the rules they establish common institutions like the United Nations.
  • World order cannot be idealistic ignoring the realities completely.

Bipolar Order during Cold War

The bipolar phase started in the world order immediately after the War. The United States and the Soviet Union stood out as two opposite poles around which, to begin with, the European politics revolved.

While the countries of Western Europe joined hands with the United States and called themselves the Free World, countries of Eastern Europe became part of the Socialist camp led by the Soviet Union.

These two leading countries of rival camps were clubbed under the exclusive new category of "superpowers".

Unipolar World after the Cold War

The dominance of one single country, unipolarity aptly describes the world order since the time the Cold War ended.

The United States has no challenger in claiming the top slot.

The Soviet Union is now an ally a partner of the United States in matters of arms control international security settlement of regional conflicts trade and investment.

Instability under Unipolarity

An important feature of the post Cold War times is the multiplicity of challenges to the nation state.

Unlike in the bipolar times, many countries now face threats to their existence from internal as well as external sources. Among other factors religious intolerance is contributing to instability in the contemporary world.

Positive and Negative Effects of Globalization

  • Provided access to a bigger consumer base
  • Cheaper things available because of cost of production is low
  • Countries can exchange business and leads to better economies
  • Caused bad Environmental problems
  • Increased competition created problems in businesses