Nation and State
Nation or state is a political organization. The nation and nationality both words are derived from same word and there are many elements of nationality, but no single or combined elements is indispensable. The state is a political organisation with its four major elements, people, territory, government, and sovereignty.
Nation and Nationality
Nation is a group of people who belongs to the same culture, history, language, or caste and live in a government in the same country.
Nationality word derived from the Latin word "natus", meaning "to be born." Nationality is a psychological phenomenon.
Elements of Nationality
Common Geography: Same region constitute a nationality
Common Race: Same nationality belongs to one group & social unity
Common Language: Same language binds people
Common religion: Nationality strengthened by same religion
Common Political Framework: Same political structure
Economic Factor: Doing the same work connects people
Common Subjugation: Equal subordination
Political Aspiration: To be a nation
State is the focal point of the study of political science. The word state is also used for state management and state aid.