How New Plants are Formed?

Every organism whether plant or organisms reproduces his species and gives birth to new ones. Giving birth to a child of its own type is called reproduction. Plants reproduce in two ways - through seeds or by stem or leaves.

Reproducing through seeds and scattering of seeds

Most of the plants reproduce through seeds but this process is not an easy one. Example - If all the seeds of the plant falls at the same place and gets sprouted, then all new born plants don't get proper sunlight and nutrients.

Nature has given us a system where seeds scatter from far off place. This kind of spreading of seed is called scattering. There are many methods of seed scattering. For example - air, water or by seeds themselves in their own manner.

1. Scattering of seeds by air

Some seeds have feathers or net, fiber comes out from them. These seeds fly away to distance place. Sehijan seeds have a feather like shape whereas seamal seeds have hair like structure. Due to this factor, seeds fly from one place to another.

Fruits of gulmehndi (after ripening) throws itself to a far off place and get sprouted. In the same way peas, beans, fruits of ladyfinger also move from one place and seeds get scattered. 

2. Seed expansion in organisms

There is a story that squirrels made a jungle. Squirrel hide seeds in soil while wanting to eat it but forgets it. This way she hides seeds in the whole mountain which came into jungle. This is not a story. Birds and animals eat fruits and throw seeds at various place, for example - mango, apple, jamun etc. In the same way birds, squirrels, jackal, elephant etc also throw seeds after eating fruits form one pace to another.

3. Scattering of seeds by water

The best example of seed expansion in water is coconut. Its fiber cover and closed in tight copra coconut falls from trees and is transported by water from one place to another.

Seedlings of Seeds

Reproduction is a plant gets completes when a seed makes a new pant after getting seedling, seeds have a small plants and also stores food. This food is in the form of two seed parts.

Example - gram, peas or in form if a single seed piece like wheat of maize.

Process of Seedling

  1. Seed gets transformed into seedling by water, air (oxygen) and at optimum temperature.
  2. The first characteristic of swelling is the swelling of seeds.
  3. The cover of seed gets softened.
  4. The white portion of seed is called basic seedling which gets sprouted and goes into soil in a long and slanted form. This forms the primary root.
  5. Soon after plant forms stem comes out and stands erect at the top. This keeps increasing and becomes a small plant.

Reproduction by Stem or Leaves

Reproduction of new plants from any other part of plant (not flower) is called asexual reproduction. This can be root, stem, leaves etc, in different plants.

  1. Leaves - for example cells situated near the corners of leaves in byrofilm leaves.
  2. Stem like potato (tuber) and onions bulb (shalaj).
  3. Grafting (cutting parts of stem) of some plants like rose or sugarcane and placing them in soil. 
  4. New plants are grown from pieces of ginger.