This unit includes the importance of universal standard units of measurement, applications of dimensions and vectors in the study of physics. The physics scope, need of measurement, concept of motion and rest, cause of motion and different types of motion are also included with the help of daily life examples. Significance of gravitation, concept of work and energy are also highlighted. The basics of the motion of a rigid body and the significance of rotational motion in day to day life have been explained.
1. Units and Dimensions
2. Motion in a Straight Line
- Speed and Velocity
- Average Velocity
- Relative Velocity
- Acceleration
- Position - Time Graph
- Velocity - Time Graph
- Equations of Motion
- First Equation of Uniformly Accelerated Motion
- Second Equation of Uniformly Accelerated Motion
- Third Equation of Uniformly Accelerated Motion
- Motion Under Gravity
3. Newton's Laws of Motion
- Force and Inertia
- Force, Motion & Velocity
- First Law of Motion
- Momentum
- Second Law of Motion
- Third Law of Motion
- Impulse
- Conservation of Momentum
- Friction
- Static and Kinetic Friction
- Rolling Friction
- Methods of Reducing Friction
- Free Body Diagram Technique
- Inertial and Non Inertial Frames
4. Motion in a Plane
- Projectile Motion
- Maximum Height, Time of Flight and Range of a Projectile
- Trajectory of a Projectile
- Uniform Circular Motion
- Applications of Uniform Circular Motion
5. Gravitation
- Law of Gravitation
- Acceleration Due to Gravity
- Variation in Value of g
- Weight and Mass
- Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion
- Orbital Velocity of Planets
- Escape Velocity
- Artificial Satellites
6. Work Energy and Power
- Work
- Positive and Negative Work
- Work Done by the Force of Gravity
- Work done by a Spring
- Power
- Work and Kinetic Energy
- Potential Energy
- Potential Energy in Gravitational Field
- Potential Energy of Springs
- Conservation of Energy
- Conservative and Dissipative Forces
- Elastic and Inelastic Collisions
- Head-on Elastic Collision
7. Motion of Rigid Body
- Rigid Body
- Centre of Mass of Rigid Body
- Centre of Mass of Some Bodies
- Comparison of Translational and Rotational Motion
- Moment of Inertia
- Theorems of Moment of Inertia
- Torque and Couple
- Angular Momentum
- Conservation of Angular Momentum
- Simultaneous Rotational and Translational Motions
8. Elastic Properties of Solids
- Molecular Theory of Matter: Inter-Molecular Forces
- Elasticity
- Elastic and Plastic Bodies
- Stress
- Strain
- Stress-Strain Curve for Metallic Wire
- Stress-Strain Curve for Rubber
- Hooke’s Law
- Modulus of Elasticity
- Poisson’s Ratio
9. Properties of Fluids
- Hydrostatic Pressure
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Buoyancy
- Pascal’s Law
- Surface Tension
- Surface Energy
- Applications of Surface Tension
- Angle of Contact
- Capillary Action
- Viscosity
- Types of Liquid Flow
- Equation of Continuity
- Critical Velocity and Reynolds’s Number
- Stokes’ Law
- Terminal Velocity
- Applications of Stokes’ Law
- Bernoulli’s Principle
- Applications of Bernoulli’s Theorem